💡 Genre: fantasy, young adult, romance
🔍 Rating: 5/5
📣 Goodreads: Throne of Glass
Two things I loved:
1. A whole new world to explore
Sarah J. Maas built an incredible, high-fantasy world that keeps you fantasizing about all of its possibilities once you close the book. A world of assassins, kings, guards, faeries, and magic—an interesting world to explore!
2. Slow Burn Relationships
The protagonist, Celaena, seemingly has multiple love interests; this is until one slow-burning relationship outgrows the rest. Viewing the progression of this one relationship depicts how one’s feelings can change gradually—it is not all hot and heavy all the time.
One thing I wasn't a fan of:
Celaena is quite young being only 18 years old. There were some parts where I felt a certain sense of immaturity in her character that confused her overarching position as the greatest assassin. I found this to be confusing.