💡 Genre: mental health, self-help, pictures
🔍 Rating: 3.5/5
Two things I loved:
Images 🕊
Within this book, there are pictures on nearly every page. The images add a sense of comfort to the page’s content; seeing a beautiful landscape view sparks a sense of inner peace within an individual. The photographs are a wonderful touch to the book!
2. Easy to read 🌻
The author delivers her advice in short fragments of quotes, recipes, suggestions and tips amidst a series of photographs. As a reader, I found this format appealing; it was the perfect read at night because I could quickly flip through some pages and sleep with a sense of comfort. The format was unique!
One thing I wasn't a fan of:
I found the book lacking content in terms of the “wisdom to balance your life” it aimed to offer. Although the quotes and recipes were nice here and there, I felt that they almost compromised the book’s mission. Overall, I wish there was more straightforward advice to relate to my day-to-day life since I picked this book up for more than a good night’s sleep.