💡 Genre: romance, contemporary, fiction
🔍 Rating: 4/5
📣 Goodreads: Reminders of Him
Two things I loved:
1. The Background 🕊
Personally, I found the plot about a mother trying to reconnect with their child after prison an interesting background for a contemporary romance novel. I was hesitant at first because it felt so new! However, I think this unique setting added a sense of risk and time pressure to the storyline.
2. Grief from Numerous Perspectives 🌻
The book depicted how a loss can affect numerous individuals with varying relationships with the individual that passed away. For instance, we saw how the parents, child, best friend and girlfriend were impacted by the passing. This added depth to the plot!
One thing I wasn't a fan of:
I felt the love story between the two protagonists was almost overshadowed by the grief of losing a loved one. I did not see the love develop; it almost felt rushed and insignificant. I wish more time was spent on this relationship.