💡 Genre: Self-help, nonfiction, philosophy
🔍 Rating: 3.8/5
Two things I loved:
1. Intriguing 🌤
The book’s concept is a Japanese philosophy known as ikigai. Ikigai is considered to be what makes us happy every day. I found this concept to be extremely interesting; in particular, I enjoyed reading about its connection with longevity in life.
2. Pace 🌊
The book is divided into chapters, which are further divided into subsections. I found this format to be helpful in digesting the content in each chapter. It was the perfect read before falling asleep—not too long, not too short. I found the content to also be concise, which helped with the book’s pace!
One thing I wasn't a fan of:
Although the book did provide some novel insights on ikigai, I found that the book did contain material about concepts already well known by the public. For instance, I already know that eating vegetables and drinking green tea will increase my life expectancy. Thus, I would have liked more content on the concept of ikigai instead!