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It’s Time to Put Your Health First

Writer's picture: e+ne+n

Society pushes us to be as busy as we can possibly be. We’re expected to always have plans, goals, and ambitions. All of these things are important, as long as they come hand-in-hand with balance.

Often, we neglect ourselves in striving to meet the expectations set on us by ourselves, family, friends and society. However, when you take a step back and really think about it, you realize that none of this matters if you’re not healthy.

To be able to reach those goals, you need to be alive and breathing. But not just alive breathing, you need to also be in a good mental health space.

When I say put your health first, I’m talking about everything. Get those annual health check-ups with your doctor, eat reasonably well, take time for self-care, build exercise into your schedule, and learn to cope and manage your stress.

Just by learning to prioritize yourself, your body, and your mind, you will find your quality of life improved dramatically. The best part is the irony—when you start putting yourself first, everything else will fall into place too. You’ll have the energy and motivation to strive for those ambitions that drive you.

It’s time to put your health first. You matter. How your mind and body feel matters. Don’t forget that you come first.

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