Are you feeling overwhelmed these days? Me too. With the exam grind, constant pile of work and seasonal changes, it can easily feel like the universe is playing a joke on you.
I want you to take a deep breath. *Takes a deep breath.* Now, take a moment to accept everything that you are feeling. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and dwell. These emotions are completely justified and it makes us human to be able to feel them.
Once you’ve accepted your feelings, try to understand why you’re feeling this way. What are the different things that are piling up in your life? Is it family? School? Relationships? Friends? Whatever it is, list it out! Either write it down or say it out loud. Let yourself acknowledge that you’re feeling this way because of these things that are piling up. Recognize how it is reasonable for you to feel overwhelmed.
Now, it is time to think about it! What is in your control? What is out of your control? What steps can you take to solve those items on your list? How can you get to a better place? Consider these questions carefully while taking those deep breaths. Understand what is in your control and take steps towards resolving these specific issues.
Finally, be kind to yourself. When things aren’t going so well, it is easy to feel the pressure to hustle and bustle and fix things as soon as possible. This is good! But, also remember that it is okay to take a moment and feel what you’re feeling. Grab a piece of cake or take a bath! Do what you need to do to take care of yourself.
Remember that as humans, we are far from perfect. Mistakes happen—they are inevitable. Take those moments to find grace for yourself and resolve your situation. Be kind to the one person who needs your kindness more than anyone else right now: Be kind to yourself.